Did You Know? 72 Hours Clause

Did You Know? 72 hours clause

Indonesian Earthquake Standard Policy will covers loss of or damage to the property and or interests insured directly caused by the perils mentioned hereunder:

  • Earthquake 
  • Volcanic Eruption
  • Fire and Explosion Following Earthquake and or Volcanic Eruption
  • Tsunami

When scrutinize your policy in detail, you may noted that the wording will include 72 Hours Clause and in consequences thereof, all insured losses which occuring during 72 consecutive hours shall be deemed as single loss occurence. However, shall such event is continue for a period exceeding 72 consecutive hours than it shall be deemed as two or more separate events and another deductible may applied accordingly(*).

We do hope the above information can help you to understand more about Indonesian Earthquake Standard Policy and enrich your knowledge.

Subsequently for your convienent, kindly review your policy to ensure that the coverage provided is suitable with your need. Shall there is any changes required on the information of your personal details, scope of coverage or you need other information or clarification about term and condition of your policy, please feel free to contact us at 021 - 2523110 and we would be pleased to assists you.

Again, thank you for choosing us as your insurance solution.

(*)Please refer to your policy for more detail wording and in case there is any difference between this information and the policy, the condition expressed in the policy wording/ or its clause shall prevails.

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