Did You Know? Prevention of Engine Overheating After Accident Occurs

Did You Know? Prevention of Engine Overheating After Accident Occurs

Like the human body, the car engine also needs a rest. Most often encountered cases due to overuse of the car engine is the engine overheating.

Engine overheating is caused by cooling system failure or not working correctly. The most common cause of engine overheating is a leak or damage on the radiator or other cooling components after an accident at the car’s front. However, the driver still runs the car after the accident happens.

Therefore, please do not force the car to keep running after the accident occurred, mainly when it happened at the front, but do first check the condition of the radiator coolant in the cooling system and oil pan. If you find any damage or leakage, immediately contact emergency services. However, if you don't see any damage or leakage, you may continue your trip to the nearest workshop to check the car’s condition further. In addition, you may also regularly monitor temperature indicators on the dashboard. If the temperature is getting high, please immediately stop driving the car and do a towing to prevent damage to your car engine.

Referring to the Indonesian Standard Motor Vehicle Insurance Policy (PSAKBI) Chapter II Exclusion Article 3 Paragraph 4 Point 4.4, which states that:

"This insurance shall not cover any loss of, damage to and/or expense incurred in Motor Vehicle and/or legal liability against any third party when: driven forcibly even though the condition of the vehicle is technically out of order or not roadworthy."

So that the damage on the car engine due to this condition shall not be covered.

Immediately notify the insurance if your vehicle can’t be driven after an accident to be directly assisted for the towing process and taken to the workshop for thorough checking.

If you need further information regarding the terms and conditions of the policy, please feel free to contact us at 021 - 2523110 and we will be happy to assist you.

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