Biodiversity Fun Class 2023

Biodiversity Fun Class 2023

Environmental changes driven by climate change are disrupting natural habitats and species. Some signs show rising temperatures are affecting biodiversity while changing rainfall patterns, extreme weather events, and ocean acidification are putting pressure on species already threatened by other human activities. The threat posed by climate change to biodiversity is expected to increase, yet thriving ecosystems can also help mitigate the impacts of climate change. Therefore, the correlation between climate change and biodiversity is very close.

Shikato Takeuchi, President Director of MSIG Indonesia, stated, "As a global company, we care about sustainability. As an insurance company, we contribute to the future of the earth starting by doing small things that have an impact on society, one of which is through the Biodiversity Creative Class." After a three-year vacuum due to the pandemic, the Biodiversity Creative Class activity was held again (read more about the 2019 Biodiversity Creative Class activity at the following link:

In collaboration with the National Movement for Foster Parents (GNOTA), MSIG Indonesia held creative classes in three public elementary schools. Before the event, there was a briefing conducted by Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (KEHATI) as the presenter, for the employees who were selected to volunteer in the creative class. MSIG Indonesia believes that with the support of KEHATI, an expert in the field of environment and sustainability, the message about the importance of maintaining biodiversity through understanding the issue of climate change crisis, biodiversity will be understood correctly. The activity, entitled "Creative Class of Biodiversity 2023" targeted 5th-grade students at three elementary schools, namely SDN Rancagong 01 (Tangerang, Banten), SDN Grogol Selatan 05 (South Jakarta), and SDN Karang Tengah 05 (Babakan Madang, Sentul). 

Each volunteer became the teacher of a predetermined group of students. This group consists of 3-5 students, who are accompanied by volunteers during the activity. The volunteer teachers, who have been equipped with the right knowledge, shared insights about the climate change crisis, its impact on biodiversity, and how we can contribute to preventing things from getting better through fun, simple, yet insightful science experiments for elementary school students.

Gendis Siti Hatmanti, from GNOTA, stated that the Biodiversity Creative Class activity was very good for children. Because this class teaches children how to protect the environment around them and to care more about protecting this earth.

There are two types of simple experiments related to climate change issues. The experiment talked about the impact of the melting of polar icebergs on the water level, where one of the consequences is the sinking of the land.

Volunteer explains the Polar Iceberg Melting experiment

Volunteer explains the Polar Iceberg Melting experiment

Then, the next experiment was about the Greenhouse Gas Effect that results in rising temperatures on Earth.

Volunteer explains the Greenhouse Gas Effect experiment

Volunteer explains the Greenhouse Gas Effect experiment

Soichiro Tsuchida, Director of MSIG Indonesia, stated that scientific experiments conducted can provide an understanding to children about the mechanism of global warming and the consequences of global warming.

Through the 2023 Biodiversity Creative Class activity, MSIG Indonesia realizes that with climate change occurring, efforts to protect the environment and preserve biodiversity are not limited to today. MSIG Indonesia will continue to strive to preserve the environment and protect biodiversity through everyday actions for the future of the next generation. 
