Trade Credit Insurance

Trade Credit Insurance

Product Description

Product Description – front page

Protect your business from the risks of non-payment and insolvency of accounts receivables both for commercial risk and political risk (for your export transaction only).

Key Features

  • Business Coverage

    Business Coverage

    Protect your business from risks arising out of account receivables of trading.

Plan Highlights

Protect your business from the risks on:  : 

  1. Non-payment
  2. Accounts receivable insolvency from commercial risk, and
  3. Political risk (for exports only).



  1. Cash transactions / sales under Letter of Credit (safe terms)
  2. Future shipment of any overdue account, past the maximum extension period (MEP)
  3. Inter-Company Sales
  4. Disputed invoices until the dispute is resolved.
  5. Shipment to buyer on overdue account, plus MEP on start date (Default Status)
  6. Currency Exchange Rate Fluctuations


Also automatically gives you additional extras: Temporary Accommodation, Debris Removal, Architects, Surveyors and Engineers Fees, Fire Extinguisher Fees, Fire Fighting Fees, Alterations and Minor Repairs, Capital Additions, Water/Power & Gas/LPG Leaks, Personal Effects of Servants.

Personal Accident.
Covers Bodily Injury to the Insured due to Accident. (max. liability is IDR 10,000,000 for death or permanent disability and IDR 1,000,000 for funeral expenses).

Third Party Legal Liability.
Protects the legal liability of the Insured for damages due to injury or loss, damage or destruction of property of any third party. (max. liability is IDR 100,000,000).


Plan details

Additional Coverage
  1. Temporary Accommodation
  2. Removal of Debris
  3. Architects, Surveyor and Engineer’s Fee
  4. Fire Extinguisher Cost
  5. Fire Brigade Cost
  6. Minor Alterations and Repair
  7. Capital Addition
  8. Leakage of Water/PDAM & Gasses/LPG
  9. Personal Effect of Servant.
  1. Cash transactions / sales based on Letter of Credit (secured terms)
  2. Future shipments for any overdue account(s) past maximum extension period (MEP)
  3. Inter-company sales 
  4. Disputed invoices until the dispute is resolved
  5. Deliveries to buyers with overdue accounts past MEP ad on start date (State of Default)
  6. Currency exchange fluctuation 
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