Did You Know? Reasons Why It Is Important to Have a Dashcam

Did You Know? Reasons Why It Is Important to Have a Dashcam

A dashcam is an advanced Electronic Logging Device (ELD) that records your front view and rear view depending on the specifications. It constantly records everything that happens while you drive.

Nowadays, more drivers are installing dashcam in their cars to protect themselves in the event of an accident. Dashcams offer drivers the peace of mind that if they are involved in an accident or unexpected incident on the road, they will have clear evidence of exactly what happened. Following are some of the most notable reasons why you should install a dashcam in your vehicle:

Following are some of the most notable reasons why you should install a dashcam in your vehicle:

1. First-hand evidence of an accident, theft, vandalism, wrongfully issued tickets, unethical action & unexpected events.
With the recordings, you can obtain evidence that can be useful for the following:

  • Exonerate you in litigation, hold the negligent party accountable, and potentially save you from significant financial losses in a frivolous lawsuit.
  • Serve as a deterrent to thieves and can stop them from breaking into your car. If your car is unfortunately broken into, you can still collect the evidence to show to the police when you file a report.
  • If the police issued the ticket without proper cause, you might be able to disprove liability using video footage from the dashcam.
  • If you have been a victim of an unethical person, then it can be used as evidence against them to help prosecute their actions in court to get justice done.
  • A dashcam can prove helpful when you leave your car unattended. Since these devices record actively even when the car isn't in motion, you can keep an eye on everything even when you are not physically present by integrating a dashcam camera with your smartphone.

2. A dashcam is a valuable tool for improving your driving skills and managing any dangerous situations caused by reckless drivers.

  • A dashcam can also help you determine how long it takes for you to parallel park and whether you change lanes haphazardly. You can even correct driving mistakes that include braking too hard, tailgating, making unlawful turns, and driving at an incorrect speed.
  • It motivates the driver always to obey traffic rules as his every action while driving will be recorded. If you own or manage commercial vehicles, this is one of the best reasons to install a dashcam. It can assist in protecting your fleet and managing your drivers.

3. Replay road trips.
You can replay the footage and reminisce about the sights or any other memories that made a special impression on you while driving.

4. A solution for worried parents.
Teenage drivers tend to crash and lack experience behind the wheel. If you become uneasy whenever your teenager gets behind the wheel, installing a dashcam may be one of the solutions for your family since it will give you peace of mind and enable you to keep an eye on what they’re doing.

5. Fraud prevention.
Dashcam is also useful for preventing other drivers who deliberately cause an accident and then blame the other driver for extorting money. Dashcams can prevent scammers from extorting money from you illegally. Let your dashcam record all the events.

Hopefully, the information above can enrich your understanding regarding the importance of installing a dashcam on a vehicle. If you require additional information about insurance products from MSIG Indonesia, please contact us at 021 – 2523110 and we will be pleased to assist you.

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