Did You Know? Operating Forklift


In handling the goods in the warehouse or during the loading/unloading process, using a forklift is essential to make the work easier and faster. However, it should be noted that there are 5 most common forklift accidents:

  1. Insufficient Training
    • This is one of the most common reasons for forklift accidents. The safety training program is an obligation that must be fulfilled by all forklift operators and it is mandatory to have a Forklift License (SIO).
  2. Speed
    • Overspeed is still a big forklift accident. The forklift operator must always be fully concentrated and comply with the forklift speed limit.
  3. Poor Marking
    • Clear warning and signs are a must for operators and pedestrians.
  4. Collision with Other Vehicles and Pedestrian
    • When operating a forklift, do not overtake other vehicles, especially when you are in a corner with obstructed view and make sure the operators are in the right lane.
  5. Poor Workplace Design
    • These include narrow aisles, high traffic volume, uneven floor and ramps, low noise and lighting. When operating a forklift in an aisle, move slowly and do not lift the load too high. 

We hope the information above can help you to be more careful in operating forklift to prevent accidents that can cause material loss and personal injury. 

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