Did You Know? The Importance of Driving License (SIM) in Robbery Claim

 Did You Know - The Importance of Driving License in Robbery Claim

Driving License is one of the mandatory document that must be included when submitting a claim for loss of a motorized vehicle due to confiscation while driving.

The increase in the crime rate of lost vehicles due to confiscation or known as robbing, makes the existence of insurance to protect your assets even more important.

Claims for loss due to confiscation/robbery are one of the risks guaranteed in the Indonesian Motor Vehicle Insurance Standard Policy (PSAKBI) in Chapter I of Article 1 Perils Insured:

This insurance only covers:

1. Any loss and/or damage to Motor Vehicle and/or interest insured directly caused by:

1.3. theft, including theft preceded or accompanied or followed by violence or threat of violence as provided in Articles 362, 363 paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and Article 365 of Criminal Code.

One of the documents that must be submitted for claims of loss due to confiscation/robbery is a Driving License (SIM). Since the claim that was filed is a vehicle loss while driving, it must be accompanied by proof that the driver is indeed legal to drive the vehicle. If claim submission is not accompanied by an appropriate driver's license information, the claim cannot be processed. However a SIM is not required if the vehicle is lost while parked.

Provisions regarding the obligation to include SIM in the claim documents are stated in the Indonesian Motor Vehicle Insurance Standard Policy (PSAKBI) in Chapter II Exceptions to Article 3 Paragraph 4:

4. This insurance shall not cover any loss of, damage to and/or expense incurred in Motor Vehicle and/or legal liability against any third party when:

4.2. in the event of any loss or damage, Motor Vehicle is driven by a person who has no valid and proper Driving License (SIM) as regulated in prevailing laws and regulations concerning road traffic; This exlcusion does not apply in the case of loss for parked vehicle. 

The legal basis for a driving license is stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Road Transportation in Chapter IV Article 77 which reads:

Art 77

(1). Every person driving a Motorized Vehicle on the Road is required to have a Driving License in accordance with the type of Motor Vehicle being driven.

If you need further explanation or clarification regarding the terms and conditions of the policy, please contact us at 021 - 2523110 and we will be pleased to assist you.

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