Did You Know? Wet Damage Risk in Warehouse

Did You Know? Wet Damage Risk in Warehouse

The risk of damage to goods when stored in the warehouse is wet. Some of the risks of damage to goods due to wetness are as follows:

  1. Wet damage due to not using pallets to elevate the goods. The goods are vulnerable to wet damage in a warehouse with no high platform/low flooring. During heavy rain with strong wind, water may get into the warehouse, causing direct contact with the goods.
  2. Wet damage due to open the window. Warehouse windows should always be closed and throughout all seasons, especially during the rainy season. Rainwater may come into the warehouse and damage the goods.
  3. Wet damage due to open the shutter door. The shutter door was left opened during heavy rain. Rainwater entered the warehouse and may have entered previously unnoticed.
  4. Wet damage due to leaking of the warehouse’s ceiling. Ceiling leakage may cause wet damage to the goods, especially those stored under the leakage spot.

Hopefully, the information above can add to your insight into securing the business/warehouse area from wet damage risk. If you need assistance or further details regarding insurance, don't hesitate to contact us at 021 – 252 3110 and we will be happy to assist you. 

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